
November 8, 2010

Dog walk

Next assignment for class is quadruped walk, so I grabbed the old Torchlight rig I used once before.
Block in "Plus" (Almost there)

Feeling a lot better about this weeks work, made him walk faster, and did a lot of cleaning up and tweaking per crits. And I finally get to do all the fun little secondary animations with the ears, tail, and mouth. Still have to animate the bags on his back though.

Block In:

Dog walks, hard. Learned that again when I was looking over reference and just trying to digest how they move. Figured out that dogs (or most 4 legged animals) have 3 types of "walks" and they blend between them depending on their mood, speed, terrain, etc.

But more about my first animation here; I'm feeling ok about it, but something particular feels "off" or weird so going to get crit in class and go from there. Looking forward to animate the tail and bags once I get the walk working nicely.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't know if you had him, but talk to DeFato on the dog walks, he can really help you out.